Are You Ready to Create Your Life?
Vision Board Workshop Hosted by Kim Carlson
Powered by Marci Barker
Saturday January 14, 2023
11 am to 4:30 pm
Southwest Branch of Weber County Library (2039 W. 4000 S. Roy, Utah)
Vision Boards aren't just an excuse to craft together, they can quite literally be the map to your success. During Kim's workshop you'll learn:
  • How to craft your board for ultimate focus
  • How the colors on your board trigger different emotions
  • How to tap into your deepest and most inner desires
  • How to speak life into your board
  • How to meditate on your goals to manifest anything you put on your board
  • How to document your progress
A Day Full of Dreaming and Fulfillment!
Tentative Schedule for the Day
10:45 am - Arrive at SouthWest Branch Library in Roy
11:00 am - Doors open, grab your seats
11:10 am - Short introductions
11:20 am - Introduce Kim Carlson (Hope Dealer)
11:25 am - Goals/ Wants exercise
11:40 am - Goal creation and selection
12:30 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm - Introduce Guest Speaker Lynsey Mahoskey (Confidence in Moving Forward)
1:15 pm - "How Does That Feel Now?" exercise
1:45 pm - "Prep for Success" colors and words exercise
2:00 pm - Vision Board Creation!
2:45 pm - "How to Use Your Board" exercise
3:05 pm - Introduce Guest Speaker Marci Barker (Wake Up and Show Up Accountability)
3:35 pm - Surprise activity
4:15 pm - Take group photo
4:30 pm - Social Networking
5:00 pm - Farewell
Schedule is Tentative to Change
It Includes Everything You Need
We're pulling out all the stops for this Vision Board Workshop! Your ticket includes:
  • Blank vision board
  • Images to include
  • Access to print images
  • Pens, pencils, scissors, glue, tape, etc
  • Dream binder
  • Food
  • Friendships
  • Accountability
  • High level achievement tactics
Introducing Your Power House Speakers!
Hosted by
- Kim Carlson
Kim is the biggest cheerleader you could ask for. She's an expert at seeing the good and recognizing divine potential.
As a life long learner of transformational habits, Kim can't wait to bring you the exact process of envisioning and creating the life you were made for.
This workshop is Kim's brain child and you're going to be so glad you were at the first one!
Powered By
- Marci Barker
Marci is the loving kick in the pants you know you need. She's an expert at guiding you to align your mind and body so that follow through becomes easy and peaceful.
As a life and fitness coach who speacializes in accountability for business owners, what you're witnessing by attending this workshop is Marci's loving kick to Kim's pants!
If you're ready for big things to happen you aren't going to want to miss this event! Plus Marci's got some amazing free goodies for you on the other side of the side up page!
You'll get her 4 week Healthy Eating Challenge for FREE when you grab your ticket.
Guest Speaker
- Lynsey Mahoskey
Lynsey is the best hype woman you'll ever meet! Want to do something big? Lynsey will be there cheering you on and leading by example.
We'll be honored to hear Lynsey talk about having clarity and confidence regarding what you put on your board.
You can bet that confidence is needed to capture those items on your vision board. Come ready to learn from the best!
Catered Lunch by Emily Gossling
The food speaks for itself! Get your creative juices flowing by eating wonderful food full of nurishment and growth!
The perfect selection, especially for the New Year!
What Are You Waiting For?
This Workshop is Exactly What You Need to Jumpstart 2023!
Let's be real. You need a plan, a community, and some support to make your life different and that is exatly what we are prodiving.
Don't delay! Grab your ticket for only $97. This is the beginning of your brand new life!
All right reserved 2022
Powered by Marci Barker of Fun and Sustainable Fitness