Join the Body Sculpting Challenge and
Create Happy Habit Cycles!
Learn How to Create Happy Habit Cycles with
Fun & Sustainable Fitness

​I was tired of the negative cycle that made me feel shamed.
I was sick of comparing myself to girls on the internet.
​I used the basics of body weight training in a way I enjoyed.
​I learned how to eat better.
​I felt better doing what was right for ME!
​And now I'm going to teach you how to do the same for YOU!
Been There, Done that.
Your Turn!
In the process of learning about food and exercise I figured out how to tailor it to my own body and needs. As a life and fitness coach, I'm equipped with all the tools to help you do the same.
I PROMISE you can change!
All you need is the right attitude and right plan.
The Body Sculpting Challenge includes:
4 Weekly Focuses
20 workouts with over 100 intensity modifications
Video Trainings
Daily Accountability Tracking
Community Support Access
4 Weekly Habit Shifting Focuses
Your 4 Week Plan
Week 1
The first week is all about establishing HOW to exercise properly.
You are going to learn how to move effectively to avoid injury. The number one priority of the Body Sculpting Challenge is to keep you safe!
Week 2 - PROTEIN
We talk protein and the role it plays in an effective exercise routine.
These exercises are designed to help you become stronger. Lean muscle is gain and maintained with adequate protein. We'll teach you how to master this concept.
This 3rd week is the best way to make sure what you're doing is becoming a sustainable part of your life.
Why work for progress if it's not going to last? We'll walk you through the best way to make sure your actions are consistent with your intentions and goals. Best of all this principle teaches you how to be confidently satisfied with your every day actions.
Lastly, we're topping off this challenge with how to combat the stress that comes with exercise!
This last week truly solidifies what we've taught you. We'll guide you on how to continue and make sure that this is something you can keep doing long after the challenge is over.
Reserve Your Spot - We're Starting on Monday!
The Body Sculpting Challenge is NOT ONLY about looking great in a swimsuit but addressing overall health with specific methods that get you results and keep you injury free.
Reserve Your Spot - We're Starting on Monday
I'm here to help you master your body with no gym membership and no equipment.
It's not all about lifting heavy weights or hours of cardio. It's all about moving in the most efficient way to get you quick results... that will also benefit you long term.
This challenge will help you get into shape and more importantly it will teach you how to exercise at a level and pace that's right for YOU!
Your health is in YOUR hands and it's time to get to work and reach the goals you've wanted for so long.
Why should you join the Body Sculpting Challenge?
Because I Can Help You Get the Body Confidence You Desire!
"...I just ran 2.5 miles without stopping (or walking)!
The girl on the left could not do that.
9 months ago I would get out of breath walking up the stairs.
Thanks to Marci I have lost 35 pounds and I am stronger than I can remember being!!
And lets be real... I'm pretty damn proud of those abs!"
- Liz S.
After her first baby she was ready to learn how to get back to pre baby weight but also to make future pregnancies even more healthy.
She's the perfect example of making significant changes just by starting and trusting the process.
We're pretty good at we do and if you follow Marci's example you'll see changes too!
- Marci J.
Let's Get Serious
You will have a professional with you to guide you along that path of progression.
We'll give you a path to follow and together we'll make sure it works for YOU!
Your pace will be determined by your current level, commitment, and goals.
We could be here all day talking about the results we've gotten together but I want to tell you WHY this can happen to you too.
Let's Get Going!
Real Women, Real Results, All Living the Fun & Sustainable Lifestyle!
Body Sculpting Challenge
4 Weekly Focuses
20 Workouts with Over 100 Intensity Modifications
4 Weekly Habit Shifting Focuses
Video Trainings
Daily Accountability Tracking
Community Support
Adaptation to Any Fitness Level
No Gym or Equipment Required
Fun and Sustainable for Life!
Why should you join the Body Sculpting Challenge?
Because I Can Help You Get the Body Confidence You Desire!
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